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Park lighting after dark – is it a route or a place? How people feel in park nightscapes (experiment)
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105098
Aleksandra Lis , Magdalena Zienowicz , Zygmunt Kącki , Paweł Iwankowski , Dorota Kukowska , Vlada Shestak

The objective of our study was to verify: (1) whether adding ambient lighting in addition to path lighting has a positive impact on preferences, sense of safety and related feelings experienced by park visitors after dusk (H1) and whether this impact is differentiated by the features of the space (H2); (2) what features of the park space may influence the feelings tested (RQ1).



我们研究的目的是验证:(1)除了路径照明之外,添加环境照明是否会对公园游客在黄昏(H1)后经历的偏好、安全感和相关感受产生积极影响,以及这种影响是否可以通过以下因素来区分:空间的特征(H2); (2) 公园空间的哪些特征可能会影响测试的感受(RQ1)。