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Orbitofrontal and Prelimbic Cortices Serve Complementary Roles in Adapting Reward Seeking to Learned Anxiety
Biological Psychiatry ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.02.1015
David S Jacobs 1 , Alina P Bogachuk 1 , Bita Moghaddam 2

Anxiety is a common symptom of several mental health disorders and adversely affects motivated behaviors. Anxiety can emerge from associating risk of future harm while engaged in goal-guided actions. Using a recently developed behavioral paradigm to model this aspect of anxiety, we investigated the role of 2 cortical subregions, the prelimbic medial frontal cortex (PL) and lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC), which have been implicated in anxiety and outcome expectation, in flexible representation of actions associated with harm risk.



焦虑是多种心理健康障碍的常见症状,会对动机行为产生不利影响。在从事以目标为导向的行动时,可能会因联想到未来伤害的风险而产生焦虑。使用最近开发的行为范式来模拟这方面的焦虑,我们研究了 2 个皮质子区域,即前内侧额叶皮层 (PL) 和外侧眶额皮层 (lOFC) 的作用,这两个区域与焦虑和结果期望有关,在灵活​​的与伤害风险相关的行动的表示。