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Reconstruction of F(T,TG) gravity model with scalar fields
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219887824501834
Archana Dixit 1 , Sanjeev Gupta 1 , Anirudh Pradhan 2

In this paper, we investigate the scalar field dark energy (DE) models within the context of F(T,TG) gravity. Scalar field models are known for their dynamic nature. Parameters in the dynamical equation of state are responsible for the acceleration of the cosmos in recent epochs. We determined that the power-law cosmology fits the OHD and Pantheon data nicely. Using the Bayesian analysis and likelihood function in conjunction with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, we examine the three sets of the model parameters H0=63.260.97+0.77q=0.0390.0029+0.0029 obtained by 57 points of the H(z) data, H0=70.930.0037+0.0024q=0.33840.0026+0.0027 1048 points of the Pantheon data and H0=70.767320.00088+0.0030q=0.64780.0075+0.0093 by using joint data (H(z)+BAO+Pantheon), respectively. We solved the modified Einstein’s field equations by taking the bulk-viscosity component ξ=ξ0ρα. We also establish a correspondence between the F(T,TG) gravity model and scalar field DE models such as quintessence, k-essence, and DBI-essence. The nature of scalar fields and their corresponding potentials are being graphically analyzed. To check the validity of F(T,TG) gravity model, we also analyze the behavior of energy conditions.



在本文中,我们研究了标量场暗能量(DE)模型F(时间,时间G重力。标量场模型以其动态特性而闻名。动态状态方程中的参数是近代宇宙加速的原因。我们确定幂律宇宙学非常适合 OHD 和 Pantheon 数据。使用贝叶斯分析和似然函数结合马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗 (MCMC) 方法,我们检查了三组模型参数H0=6326-097+077q=-003900029+00029获得57分H(z数据,H0=7093-00037+00024q=-0338400026+000271048 点的 Pantheon 数据和H0=7076732-000088+00030q=-0647800075+00093通过使用联合数据(H(z+宝奥+万神殿), 分别。我们通过采用体积粘度分量来求解修正的爱因斯坦场方程Ψ=Ψ0ρα。我们还建立了以下之间的对应关系:F(时间,时间G引力模型和标量场DE模型等精髓,k-精华和DBI-精华。标量场的性质及其相应的势正在以图形方式进行分析。检查有效性F(时间,时间G引力模型中,我们还分析了能量条件的行为。
