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Online and Unkind: Examining the Personality Correlates of Online Political Incivility
Social Science Computer Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/08944393241249725
Luke Ryan Mungall 1 , Scott Pruysers 1 , Julie Blais 1

Many forms of online political incivility threaten democratic norms, contribute to polarization, and are often directed at women and racial minorities. Recent research shows that online political incivility may come from a minority of users that are just as hostile offline as they are online, meaning that individual differences in personality traits may be an important predictor of online political incivility. Drawing upon a large sample of adults living in Canada (N = 1725), we examined the association between personality traits and online political incivility using robust measures of psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism, and the general traits of the HEXACO. While controlling for a variety of sociodemographic and political variables, we found that people who score higher in honesty-humility, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, as well as the planfulness facet of Machiavellianism, are less likely to report engagement in online political incivility. People who score higher in extraversion, several facets of psychopathy, grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, and antagonistic Machiavellianism, by contrast, are more likely to report engagement in online political incivility. In general, the personality traits that predict offline aggression and antisocial behaviour tend to be the same traits that predict self-reports of vulgarity, stereotyping, and threats in online political discussions. Interventions to reduce online incivility may benefit from considering the dispositional tendencies of uncivil users.



许多形式的网络政治不文明行为威胁着民主规范,导致两极分化,并且往往针对妇女和少数族裔。最近的研究表明,网络政治不文明行为可能来自少数在线下和网上一样充满敌意的用户,这意味着人格特征的个体差异可能是网络政治不文明行为的重要预测因素。我们利用大量居住在加拿大的成年人样本(N = 1725),使用对精神病态、自恋、马基雅维利主义和 HEXACO 的一般特征的有力测量,研究了人格特征与网络政治不文明行为之间的关联。在控制各种社会人口和政治变量的同时,我们发现,在诚实谦逊、随和性、尽责性以及马基雅维利主义的计划性方面得分较高的人,不太可能参与网络上的不文明政治行为。相比之下,在外向性、精神病态、浮夸和脆弱的自恋以及对抗性马基雅维利主义等方面得分较高的人更有可能参与网络政治不文明行为。一般来说,预测线下攻击性和反社会行为的人格特征往往与预测在线政治讨论中粗俗、刻板印象和威胁的自我报告的特征相同。考虑不文明用户的性格倾向可能有助于减少在线不文明行为的干预措施。