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Citizens’ Acceptance of Data-Driven Political Campaigning: A 25-Country Cross-National Vignette Study
Social Science Computer Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/08944393241249708
Rens Vliegenthart 1 , Jade Vrielink 1 , Katharine Dommett 2 , Rachel Gibson 3 , Esmeralda Bon 3 , Xiaotong Chu 1 , Claes de Vreese 4 , Sophie Lecheler 5 , Jörg Matthes 5 , Sophie Minihold 4, 5 , Lukas Otto 6 , Marlis Stubenvoll 7 , Sanne Kruikemeier 1

This paper investigates how the acceptance of data-driven political campaigning depends on four different message characteristics. A vignette study was conducted in 25 countries with a total of 14,390 respondents who all evaluated multiple descriptions of political advertisements. Relying on multi-level models, we find that in particular the source and the issue of the message matters. Messages that are sent by a party the respondent likes and deal with a political issue the respondent considers important are rated more acceptable. Furthermore, targeting based on general characteristics instead of individual ones is considered more acceptable, as is a general call to participate in the upcoming elections instead of a specific call to vote for a certain party. Effects differ across regulatory contexts, with the negative impact of both individual targeting and a specific call to vote for a certain party being in countries that have higher levels of legislative regulation.


公民对数据驱动的政治运动的接受度:一项 25 个国家的跨国小插曲研究

本文研究了数据驱动的政治竞选活动的接受度如何取决于四种不同的信息特征。一项小插曲研究在 25 个国家/地区进行,共有 14,390 名受访者,他们都评估了政治广告的多种描述。依靠多层次模型,我们发现消息的来源和问题尤其重要。由受访者喜欢的一方发送并涉及受访者认为重要的政治问题的消息被评为更容易接受。此外,基于一般特征而不是个人特征的定位被认为更容易接受,就像一般呼吁参加即将举行的选举而不是具体呼吁投票给某个政党一样。不同监管环境的影响有所不同,在立法监管水平较高的国家中,个人定位和特定呼吁投票给某个政党都会产生负面影响。