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Spiral to Surveillance: The Effect of INGOs on Levels of Peacekeeper Misconduct
International Studies Quarterly ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1093/isq/sqae072
Morgan Barney 1 , Kellan Borror 2

s Over the last twenty years, the international relations literature has sought to understand the conditions in which peacekeeping operations (PKOs) occur and the efficacy of their presence. Much work has focused on PKOs’ relationship to civilians in civil conflict, but less is understood about the influences on peacekeeping missions’ quality. If PKOs commit human rights abuses, how might other actors deter exploitive PKO behavior in the domestic context? We argue international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) provide a monitoring and socializing effect on PKOs. Using the Peacekeeper Attributes (PKAT) and Transnational Social Movements (TSMO) datasets, we analyze peacekeeping missions from 2007 to 2013. Through zero-inflated negative binomial regression, we found that the presence of general INGOs decreases rates of misconduct, and human rights INGOs decrease rates of misconduct. However, we find that the presence of women’s rights-focused INGOs does not decrease rates of sexual misconduct among PKO troops.



过去二十年来,国际关系文献一直试图了解维和行动(PKO)发生的条件及其存在的效力。许多工作都集中在国内冲突中维和行动与平民的关系上,但对其对维和任务质量的影响了解甚少。如果维和行动侵犯人权,其他行为者如何阻止国内维和组织的剥削行为?我们认为国际非政府组织(INGO)对维和行动具有监督和社交作用。使用维和人员属性(PKAT)和跨国社会运动(TSMO)数据集,我们分析了 2007 年至 2013 年的维和任务。通过零膨胀负二项式回归,我们发现一般 INGO 的存在降低了不当行为率,而人权 INGO 则降低了不当行为率。降低不当行为的发生率。然而,我们发现关注妇女权利的国际非政府组织的存在并没有降低维和部队中性行为不端的发生率。