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Fear of the bear? Rewilding, rural agencies and politics in two documentaries in Trentino and the Pyrenees
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101890
Carlo Berti , Enric Castelló

In Trentino and the Pyrenees, the population of bears has grown since the 1990s, when new specimens were released into the wild to recover this endangered species. The reintroduction generated a conflictive cohabitation with village dwellers, the shepherding sector, and rural initiatives in both areas. The aim of this research is to evaluate how local media and two audiovisual documentaries covered the bear issue in both regions. The researchers analysed the content of 86 articles from two newspapers in 2022, conducted a narrative analysis of the documentaries and interviewed their directors. The results reveal that the documentaries created a counter-narrative to politicisation, in the Italian case, and to environmentalisation, in the Catalan. Because both documentaries paid attention to rural communities, they contributed to increasing rural agency, an aspect aligned with the filmmakers’ motivations at the inception of both productions. The authors argue that the circulation of these narratives diversely expresses renewed imaginaries of rural societies in both contexts.



在特伦蒂诺和比利牛斯山脉,自 20 世纪 90 年代以来,为了恢复这一濒临灭绝的物种,新的熊标本被释放到野外,熊的数量不断增加。重新引入导致了与村庄居民、牧羊部门和这两个地区的农村倡议的冲突。这项研究的目的是评估当地媒体和两部视听纪录片如何报道这两个地区的熊问题。研究人员分析了 2022 年两家报纸的 86 篇文章的内容,对纪录片进行了叙事分析,并采访了其导演。结果表明,这些纪录片在意大利的案例中创造了与政治化相反的叙事,在加泰罗尼亚的案例中则创造了与环境化相反的叙事。由于这两部纪录片都关注农村社区,因此有助于增加农村机构,这一方面与电影制作人在两部作品开始时的动机一致。作者认为,这些叙事的流传以不同的方式表达了两种背景下乡村社会的新想象。