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The Prevalence of Sexual Harassment and Bullying Among Norwegian Afghanistan Veterans: Does Workplace Harassment Disproportionately Impact the Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of Female Soldiers?
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241248432
Line Rønning 1 , Rachel Shor 2, 3 , Frederick Anyan 1 , Odin Hjemdal 1 , Hans Jakob Bøe 4, 5 , Catherine L Dempsey 2, 3 , Andreas Espetvedt Nordstrand 1, 4

Experiencing sexual harassment and bullying during military service can lead to negative consequences for a soldier’s mental health and life satisfaction, including increased risk of depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress. No studies have to date investigated the prevalence and correlates of sexual harassment and bullying among Norwegian Afghanistan veterans, despite the increased global focus on these topics. In 2020, 6,205 Norwegian Afghanistan veterans (8.3% women) completed an online post-deployment survey, including questions about experiences of sexual harassment, bullying, mental health, and life satisfaction. Compared to their male counterparts, female veterans experienced significantly more sexual harassment and bullying during Afghanistan deployment (3.2% vs. 0.04% for experiencing sexual harassment, and 4.0% vs. 1.0% for bullying) and during other military services (14.3% vs. 0.4% for sexual harassment, and 15.9% vs. 3.7% for bullying). Sexual harassment was associated with younger age and experiencing childhood sexual harassment for both women and men, with men also having longer deployments. Bullying was associated with longer deployments and childhood sexual harassment for women, while men who reported bullying more often had longer deployments, held an officer rank, were less inclined to have a spouse/intimate partner, and reported childhood sexual harassment and bullying. Both sexual harassment and bullying were associated with increased risk of mental health problems and reduced life satisfaction for women, but this was only true for bullying among men. Despite lower reported rates of workplace harassment compared to studies from other cultures, this study demonstrates that sexual harassment and bullying in the military can negatively impact soldiers’ mental health and life satisfaction. Notably, female veterans’ mental health and life satisfaction appear to be particularly affected by sexual harassment during military service, an association not seen in males. This underscores the need for gender-specific, cultural, and context-sensitive prevention and support for workplace harassment experiences.



在服兵役期间遭受性骚扰和欺凌可能会对士兵的心理健康和生活满意度产生负面影响,包括增加抑郁、焦虑和创伤后应激障碍的风险。迄今为止,还没有研究调查挪威阿富汗退伍军人中性骚扰和欺凌的普遍程度及其相关性,尽管全球越来越关注这些话题。 2020 年,6,205 名挪威阿富汗退伍军人(8.3% 为女性)完成了一项部署后在线调查,包括有关性骚扰、欺凌、心理健康和生活满意度的问题。与男性退伍军人相比,女性退伍军人在阿富汗服役期间遭受性骚扰和欺凌的比例明显更高(遭受性骚扰的比例为 3.2% vs. 0.04%,遭受欺凌的比例为 4.0% vs. 1.0%)和其他服役期间(14.3% vs. 1.0%)。性骚扰为 0.4%,欺凌为 15.9% vs. 3.7%)。性骚扰与女性和男性年龄较小以及经历过童年性骚扰有关,男性的部署时间也较长。对于女性来说,欺凌行为与较长的服役时间和儿童期性骚扰有关,而报告欺凌行为较多的男性则有较长的服役期、担任军官级别、不太可能有配偶/亲密伴侣,并报告了童年期的性骚扰和欺凌行为。性骚扰和欺凌都与女性心理健康问题风险增加和生活满意度降低有关,但这只适用于男性欺凌行为。 尽管与其他文化的研究相比,工作场所骚扰的发生率较低,但这项研究表明,军队中的性骚扰和欺凌会对士兵的心理健康和生活满意度产生负面影响。值得注意的是,女性退伍军人的心理健康和生活满意度似乎尤其受到服兵役期间性骚扰的影响,而男性中则没有这种关联。这强调了针对工作场所骚扰经历进行针对性别、文化和环境敏感的预防和支持的必要性。