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SLA Decomposition for Sustainable End-to-End Multi-Domain Multi-Technology Network Slicing
IEEE Wireless Communications ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 4-30-2024 , DOI: 10.1109/mwc.008.2300157
Haitham H. Esmat 1 , Beatriz Lorenzo 1

The sixth generation (6G) networks will integrate many autonomous networks operating in different administrative domains and wireless technologies. Hence, service provisioning involves negotiation between multiple stakeholders (e.g., users, operators, manufacturers) to reach a service level agreement (SLA). To ensure its sustainability under dynamic network conditions, the SLA must be dynamically decomposed into portions each domain can support. Failure to do so will result in SLA violations and user dissatisfaction. In addition, management and orchestration schemes for SLA decomposition are needed to facilitate mapping service requirements to the most suitable domains, providers, and technologies, and perform SLA lifetime monitoring. However, SLA decomposition is challenging with management decisions at different levels and interdependent performance implications. Despite the relevance of this topic, it remains unexplored. This article aims to fill this gap and presents an SLA decomposition management and orchestration architecture for multi-domain, multi-technology networks that supports centralized, semi-distributed, and fully distributed implementation. The proposed architecture is well aligned with the guidelines provided by standardization bodies. We evaluate its performance for typical 6G use cases and show that our approach achieves up to six times higher reward with half the cost of existing schemes. Finally, remaining challenges and promising future research directions are outlined.



第六代(6G)网络将集成许多在不同管理域和无线技术中运行的自治网络。因此,服务提供涉及多个利益相关者(例如用户、运营商、制造商)之间的协商以达成服务级别协议(SLA)。为了确保其在动态网络条件下的可持续性,必须将 SLA 动态分解为每个域可以支持的部分。否则将导致违反 SLA 和用户不满。此外,需要用于 SLA 分解的管理和编排方案,以促进将服务需求映射到最合适的领域、提供商和技术,并执行 SLA 生命周期监控。然而,SLA 分解对于不同级别的管理决策和相互依赖的性能影响具有挑战性。尽管这个主题具有相关性,但它仍未得到探索。本文旨在填补这一空白,提出一种支持集中式、半分布式和全分布式实施的多域、多技术网络的SLA分解管理和编排架构。所提出的架构与标准化机构提供的指南非常一致。我们评估了其典型 6G 使用案例的性能,并表明我们的方法以现有方案一半的成本实现了高达六倍的回报。最后,概述了仍然存在的挑战和有希望的未来研究方向。