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The grammar of a hunger strike: nonviolence and biopolitics in Manipur, India
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.14148
Sayantan Saha Roy 1

What are the potentialities and limits of nonviolence as a method of resistance against modern biopolitics? This article offers an ethnographic account of Irom Sharmila's sixteen‐year‐long hunger strike against the continued state of emergency in the Indian state of Manipur. It interrogates how she envisioned the protest, the objectives that she set, and how her protest came to an end. This article demonstrates that her protest was not about a will to death, as it has often been described, but instead was based on a radical distribution of responsibility among the people suffering under the regime of violence. Her nonviolent protest as a Gandhian practice was directed particularly at the entailments of violence. In challenging the state but refusing to emulate it, she became an exemplar. She became the one who could not be killed even by the state with exceptional powers. Finally, by contrasting her protest with Manipuri nationalism, this article shows how the ethics of nonviolence offers a unique vision for peace and liberation.



非暴力作为抵抗现代生命政治的方法有哪些潜力和局限性?本文提供了伊罗姆·沙米拉 (Irom Sharmila) 针对印度曼尼普尔邦持续紧急状态而进行的长达十六年的绝食抗议的人种学记录。它询问了她如何设想抗议、她设定的目标以及她的抗议如何结束。这篇文章表明,她的抗议并不是像人们经常描述的那样是关于死亡的意愿,而是基于在暴力政权下遭受苦难的人们之间的激进责任分配。她作为甘地主义实践的非暴力抗议特别针对暴力的后果。在挑战国家但拒绝效仿的过程中,她成为了榜样。她成为了即使拥有超凡力量的国家也无法杀死的人。最后,通过将她的抗议与曼尼普尔邦民族主义进行对比,本文展示了非暴力伦理如何为和平与解放提供了独特的愿景。