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Improving Second Language Vowel Production With Hand Gestures Encoding Visible Articulation: Evidence From Picture‐Naming and Paragraph‐Reading Tasks
Language Learning ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1111/lang.12647
Xiaotong Xi 1, 2 , Peng Li 3 , Pilar Prieto 1, 4

This study investigates whether audiovisual phonetic training with hand gestures encoding visible or nonvisible articulation features has a differential impact on learning second language sounds. Ninety‐nine Catalan–Spanish bilingual students were trained to differentiate English /æ/ and /ʌ/, which differ in the visible lip aperture and nonvisible tongue position, with training involving no gestures, gestures representing the lip aperture, or gestures representing the tongue position. Before, immediately after, and 1 week after the training, participants’ perception of the targets was assessed through a word‐identification task, and their production was tested through paragraph‐reading, picture‐naming, and word‐imitation tasks. Although all participants improved in perception and production, the lip hand gesture was more effective in adjusting lip aperture than the other two conditions in the paragraph‐reading and picture‐naming tasks. These results suggest that hand gestures encoding visible rather than nonvisible articulation features are more effective for improving second language pronunciation.



这项研究调查了使用编码可见或不可见发音特征的手势进行视听语音训练是否对学习第二语言声音有不同的影响。 99 名加泰罗尼亚语-西班牙语双语学生接受了区分英语 /æ/ 和 /ʌ/ 的培训,这两种语言的区别在于可见的唇孔和不可见的舌头位置,训练不涉及任何手势、代表唇孔的手势或代表舌头的手势位置。培训前、培训后立即和培训后 1 周,通过单词识别任务评估参与者对目标的感知,并通过段落阅读、图片命名和单词模仿任务测试他们的表现。尽管所有参与者的感知和表达能力都有所提高,但在段落阅读和图片命名任务中,嘴唇手势在调整嘴唇孔径方面比其他两种条件更有效。这些结果表明,编码可见发音特征的手势比编码不可见发音特征的手势对于改善第二语言发音更有效。