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Opportunity Hoarding and Elite Reproduction: School Segregation in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Social Forces ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1093/sf/soae070
Rob J Gruijters 1 , Benjamin Elbers 2 , Vijay Reddy 3

School integration is an important indicator of equality of opportunity and racial reconciliation in contemporary South Africa. Despite its prominence in public and political discourse, however, there is no systemic evidence on the levels and patterns of school segregation. Drawing on the literature on the post-apartheid political settlement and sociological theories of opportunity hoarding, we explain how the small White minority and, to a lesser extent, the new Black middle class monopolized access to South Africa’s most prestigious schools following the abolition of de jure segregation in 1994. Using the 2021 Annual School Survey—an administrative dataset covering all South African schools—and the 2019 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study school survey, we find very high levels of school segregation along racial as well as socioeconomic lines. White students almost exclusively attend former White schools, have little exposure to the low-income Black majority, and are vastly overrepresented in elite public and private schools. We argue that in South Africa and other contexts with under-resourced education systems, elite capture of the few high-performing schools serves to reproduce race and class privilege.



学校融合是当代南非机会均等和种族和解的重要指标。然而,尽管它在公共和政治话语中占据突出地位,但没有系统性的证据证明学校隔离的程度和模式。借鉴有关后种族隔离政治解决的文献和机会囤积的社会学理论,我们解释了在 1994 年废除法律隔离后,少数白人以及新黑人中产阶级如何垄断了南非最负盛名的学校的机会。使用 2021 年年度学校调查(涵盖所有南非学校的行政数据集)和 2019 年国际数学和科学研究趋势学校调查,我们发现种族和社会经济界线的学校隔离水平非常高。白人学生几乎只就读于以前的白人学校,很少接触到占多数的低收入黑人,并且在精英公立和私立学校中的比例大大过高。我们认为,在南非和其他教育系统资源不足的背景下,精英对少数高绩效学校的俘获有助于复制种族和阶级特权。