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Learning from the best: how regional knowledge stimulates circular economy transition at company level
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsae011
Rahel Meili 1 , Tobias Stucki 1 , Ingrid Kissling-Näf 1

This paper investigates whether, and what kind of, regional knowledge has a stimulating effect on circular economy (CE) innovation by companies. We thus add to the literature on regional knowledge spillovers, which has rarely focussed explicitly on the CE. For the empirical study, we create econometric regressions based on a representative dataset with extensive information on the CE activities of about 1400 Swiss firms. The results confirm that regional knowledge is important for the implementation of CE innovations. However, geographical distance and the quality of the knowledge must be taken into account, that is, companies primarily learn from the best.



本文研究了区域知识是否以及何种类型的区域知识对企业循环经济(CE)创新具有刺激作用。因此,我们添加了有关区域知识溢出的文献,这些文献很少明确关注CE。在实证研究中,我们基于代表性数据集创建了计量经济学回归,其中包含约 1400 家瑞士公司的 CE 活动的广泛信息。结果证实,区域知识对于 CE 创新的实施非常重要。然而,必须考虑地理距离和知识质量,即公司主要向最优秀的人学习。