Journal of Policy Analysis and Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1002/pam.22602 Liran Einav 1 , Amy Finkelstein 2
There is no shortage of proposals for U.S. health insurance reform. In our recent book, We've Got You Covered: Rebooting American Health Care (Einav & Finkelstein, 2023), we offered one more. It grew out of our internal debates over healthcare reform, between two academic economists who work (often together) on U.S. health policy but have not yet been involved in making that policy.
We started by trying to define the goal: what is the problem that healthcare policy should address? There are many good reasons for government to be involved, but the reasons are usually assumed rather than articulated when proposing or evaluating a specific policy proposal. That's unfortunate. It's hard to have a constructive debate about solutions unless we've articulated—and hopefully agreed upon—goals.
We therefore spent a fair amount of time trying to identify the driving impetus behind our history of health policy reforms and attempted reforms. From this, we ended up concluding that our health policy has been motivated by an enduring, if unwritten, social contract: access to essential health care, regardless of resources.
We expected a fair amount of push back on this definition of the goal of U.S. health policy. After all, we are a society known for advocating independence and liberty, and for lifting oneself up by the bootstraps. We are also, (in)famously, the only high-income country without universal health insurance coverage. We therefore devoted about a third of our book to trying to convince our readers that in fact this social contract exists, and that the myriad problems with the current U.S. health insurance “system” reflect our failure to fulfill our obligations, not their absence.
Somewhat to our surprise, in the many reactions we've received from readers across the political spectrum, there has been near-universal agreement with our premise: that the U.S. is committed as a society to trying to ensure access to essential medical care for everyone, whether or not they can pay for it. Reactions have instead focused on particular elements of our proposal for how to fulfill this commitment.
We described what we thought an ideal system would look like, freed from political, but not economic, constraints. It contains two main elements. The first is universal coverage that is automatic, free to the patient, and basic. The second is the option—for those who want and can afford it—to purchase supplemental coverage in a well-functioning marketplace. We argued that we could thus fulfill our social contract without tackling the other multi-trillion-dollar elephant in the room: the problem of high and often inefficient healthcare spending.
In what follows, we briefly describe how we arrived at these key elements.

美国医疗保险改革的建议并不乏。在我们最近出版的《我们为您服务:重启美国医疗保健》(Einav & Finkelstein,2023)一书中,我们又提供了一个。它源于我们关于医疗改革的内部辩论,两位学院派经济学家(通常一起)研究美国卫生政策,但尚未参与制定该政策。