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Nanocarbon-assisted chemical etching of Ge(100) in H2O2
Electrochemistry Communications ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2024.107735
Junhuan Li , Seiya Yamamoto , Kouji Inagaki , Kenta Arima

We utilized graphene oxide (GO) flakes as a starting material to conduct nanocarbon (NC)-assisted chemical etching of Ge(100) surfaces in HO solutions. Upon initial etching in HO, a pitted morphology formed beneath the loaded nanocarbon. The etch pits exhibited a tendency to expand, with edges assuming square-like shapes in HO solutions. This phenomenon is reminiscent of an inverted pyramidal structure observed during enhanced etching of a Ge surface loaded with metallic particles, exposing (111) microfacets. As the etching progressed, noticeable lateral etching occurred on the Ge surface. Consequently, the small pits merged to form larger hollows, potentially exceeding the size of the initial GO flake. These etching properties were analyzed based on electrochemical reactions there, or the injection of holes created by the enhanced reduction of HO molecules on nanocarbons, which were compared to those observed when using O-dissolved water as an etchant. Additionally, we provide guidelines for achieving more homogeneous and deeper etch structures using a loaded nanocarbon catalyst in HO.


H2O2 中纳米碳辅助化学蚀刻 Ge(100)

我们利用氧化石墨烯(GO)薄片作为起始材料,在 H2O 溶液中进行纳米碳(NC)辅助的 Ge(100)表面化学蚀刻。在 H2O 中进行初始蚀刻后,在负载的纳米碳下方形成了凹坑形态。蚀刻坑表现出扩大的趋势,边缘在 H2O 溶液中呈方形。这种现象让人想起在对载有金属颗粒的 Ge 表面进行增强蚀刻期间观察到的倒金字塔结构,从而暴露出 (111) 微面。随着蚀刻的进行,Ge 表面发生了明显的横向蚀刻。因此,小坑合并形成更大的空洞,可能超过初始 GO 薄片的尺寸。这些蚀刻特性是根据电化学反应进行分析的,或者是通过纳米碳上 H2O 分子增强还原产生的空穴注入进行分析,并将其与使用溶解 O 的水作为蚀刻剂时观察到的结果进行比较。此外,我们还提供了使用 H2O 中负载的纳米碳催化剂实现更均匀和更深的蚀刻结构的指南。