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Eliciting eudaimonic well-being in the tourism experiential space: Evidence from online reviews
Tourism Management ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2024.104955
Xue Zhang , Li Cheng , Guoshuai Ma

Finding ways to help people deal with mental health problems and cultivate positive psychological qualities has become an important issue of common concern in modern society. Tourism, as one of the important industries that can provide feelings of well-being, has an inescapable responsibility to promote the development of positive psychological states. Thus, this study focused on tourists' online reviews, combining content analysis and multinomial logistic regression analysis to explore the structural characteristics of the tourism experience and the connotations of eudaimonic well-being in the eyes of tourists. The aim was to clarify the great potential of tourism for promoting a positive psychological state and reveal the effects of different elements of the tourism experience on eliciting eudaimonic well-being. The study provided valuable information for the construction of spatial environments that stimulate tourists’ eudaimonic well-being.


