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A review and field guide for the standardized description and sampling of paleosols
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104788
Theresa J. Orr , Eric M. Roberts

Paleosols are unrivaled terrestrial archives of paleoclimatic, paleoecological, and paleoenvironmental conditions, yet their full utility and potential for unlocking critical information about past ecosystems, as well as their comparability with other records, is dependent upon the quality and thoroughness of such studies. To help standardize communication and compatibility in and between paleopedology studies, a systematic review was conducted with the goal of providing a “field-guide” for helping investigators approach paleosol identification, description, classification. A paleosol logging sheet template was developed to help standardize field data collection and note taking, which includes a list of 30 items that should ideally be described. An accompanying sample log sheet was also developed to assist with collection of key data during the sampling phase of paleosol investigations. Based on this review, we conclude that examination of fresh surfaces focusing on horizonation, color, structure (peds), pedogenic features, mineral accumulations, and bioturbation (burrows/chambers and root traces) is critical to all paleosol investigations and standard field testing should include color of the paleosol matrix and mottles present, carbonate content, redoximorphic conditions, and presence of organic matter. To further facilitate this work, we have illustrated and tabulated key paleosol features and classification schemes, including horizon determination and classification; ped determination and classification; mottle description; mineral accumulation description/morphology; burrow/chamber morphology and description; and rhizolith morphology and classification. In addition, a review of best practices in the collection of samples for subsequent laboratory analyses and paleoenvironmental interpretations is presented.



古土壤是古气候、古生态和古环境条件的无与伦比的陆地档案,但它们在解锁有关过去生态系统的关键信息方面的全部效用和潜力,以及它们与其他记录的可比性,取决于此类研究的质量和彻底性。为了帮助标准化古土壤学研究中的沟通和兼容性,进行了系统评价,目的是提供“现场指南”,帮助研究人员进行古土壤识别、描述和分类。开发了古土壤测井表模板,以帮助标准化现场数据收集和记录,其中包括理想情况下应描述的 30 个项目的列表。还开发了随附的样本日志表,以帮助收集古土壤调查采样阶段的关键数据。基于这篇综述,我们得出结论,对新鲜表面的检查重点是地平线、颜色、结构(peds)、成土特征、矿物积累和生物扰动(洞穴/室和根痕迹)对于所有古土壤调查和标准现场测试至关重要。包括古土壤基质的颜色和存在的斑点、碳酸盐含量、氧化还原条件和有机物的存在。为了进一步促进这项工作,我们对关键的古土壤特征和分类方案进行了说明和列表,包括层位确定和分类; ped测定和分类;斑点描述;矿物堆积描述/形态;洞穴/房间的形态和描述;以及根石的形态和分类。 此外,还回顾了为后续实验室分析和古环境解释收集样本的最佳实践。