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A nodally bound-preserving finite element method for reaction–convection–diffusion equations
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1142/s0218202524500283
Abdolreza Amiri 1 , Gabriel R. Barrenechea 1 , Tristan Pryer 2

This paper introduces a novel approach to approximate a broad range of reaction–convection–diffusion equations using conforming finite element methods while providing a discrete solution respecting the physical bounds given by the underlying differential equation. The main result of this work demonstrates that the numerical solution achieves an accuracy of O(hk) in the energy norm, where k represents the underlying polynomial degree. To validate the approach, a series of numerical experiments had been conducted for various problem instances. Comparisons with the linear continuous interior penalty stabilised method, and the algebraic flux-correction scheme (for the piecewise linear finite element case) have been carried out, where we can observe the favorable performance of the current approach.



本文介绍了一种新颖的方法,使用一致的有限元方法来近似各种反应-对流-扩散方程,同时提供尊重底层微分方程给出的物理边界的离散解。这项工作的主要结果表明,数值解在能量范数中达到了 O(hk) 的精度,其中 k 表示基础多项式次数。为了验证该方法,针对各种问题实例进行了一系列数值实验。与线性连续内罚稳定方法和代数通量校正方案(针对分段线性有限元情况)进行了比较,我们可以观察到当前方法的良好性能。
