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Interaction mechanism of global multiple ocean-atmosphere coupled modes and their impacts on South and East Asian Monsoon: A review
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2024.104438
Guiping Li , Zhongbo Yu , Yanping Li , Chuanguo Yang , Huanghe Gu , Jingwen Zhang , Ya Huang

Interactions among different large-scale ocean-atmosphere coupled modes are exceptionally complex. Diverse scale modes interact through oceanic circulations, ocean-atmosphere heat fluxes, and atmospheric bridges, thus affecting both the global weather system and long-term climate changes. This paper presents a review of the interaction mechanisms among six ocean-atmosphere coupled modes (ENSO, PDO, IOD, AO, NAO, and AMO) and their impacts on the South and East Asian Monsoon. Identifying the changes in the dynamics and energy budgets caused by the spatial structure evolution and amplitude change of various ocean-atmosphere coupled modes can yield a better understanding of their forcing effects on climate change. These effects are not only restricted to surrounding regions, but also significant interaction is found between the distant equator and the polar region. Interactions between various ocean-atmosphere coupled modes occur through Rossby wave activity, westerly airflow, cyclone circulation, and pressure gradients. However, because of the complexity of the relationship between multiple factors, it remains difficult to clarify the driving mechanism of each coupled mode change. More importantly, predictions based on long-term observation data are still a weak link in climate change research. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the interaction among the six ocean-atmosphere coupled modes, thus uncovering their impacts on South and East Asian Monsoon from a global perspective.



不同大尺度海洋-大气耦合模式之间的相互作用异常复杂。不同的尺度模式通过海洋环流、海洋-大气热通量和大气桥相互作用,从而影响全球天气系统和长期气候变化。本文综述了六种海气耦合模式(ENSO、PDO、IOD、AO、NAO 和 AMO)之间的相互作用机制及其对南亚和东亚季风的影响。识别各种海洋-大气耦合模式的空间结构演化和振幅变化引起的动力学和能量预算的变化可以更好地理解它们对气候变化的强迫效应。这些影响不仅限于周围地区,而且在遥远的赤道和极地地区之间也存在显着的相互作用。各种海洋-大气耦合模式之间的相互作用通过罗斯贝波活动、西风气流、气旋环流和压力梯度发生。然而,由于多种因素之间关系的复杂性,阐明各个耦合模式变化的驱动机制仍然很困难。更重要的是,基于长期观测数据的预测仍然是气候变化研究的薄弱环节。本文总结了目前关于六种海洋-大气耦合模式之间相互作用的知识,从而从全球角度揭示了它们对南亚和东亚季风的影响。