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Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Children in the Home: A Systematic Review of Reviews
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 , DOI: 10.1177/15248380241247018
Jorge Cuartas 1, 2 , Ana Salazar 2 , Sophia Backhaus 3, 4 , Madison T. Little 4 , Dana McCoy 1 , Hirokazu Yoshikawa 5 , Michelle Bass 6 , Nicholas Metheny 7 , Felicia Knaul 7

Violence against children (VAC) in the home, or by household members, is a human rights and social problem with long-lasting consequences for individuals and society. Global policy instruments like the INSPIRE package have proposed strategies to prevent VAC, including Implementation and enforcement of laws, Norms and values, Safe environments, Parent and caregiver support, Income and economic strengthening, Response and support services, and Education and life skills. This systematic review of reviews aimed to synthesize the recent evidence base (i.e., published since 2000) for each INSPIRE strategy to reduce VAC in the home or by household members. We searched four databases using controlled vocabularies and keywords and searched for additional records in prior reviews of reviews. A total of 67 studies were included in this review, including literature reviews, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and other types of reviews. We found extensive evidence supporting the effectiveness of parent and caregiver support interventions. However, reviews on other INSPIRE strategies were scarce. We also found a vast underrepresentation of samples from low- and- middle-income countries, children with disabilities, and families affected by forced displacement and conflict. In sum, this systematic review suggests that there are several promising strategies to prevent VAC (e.g., home visiting and parent education), but further research is necessary to strengthen the current body of evidence and effectively inform the implementation and scale-up of evidence-based interventions to protect children from violence globally.



家庭中或家庭成员针对儿童的暴力行为是一个人权和社会问题,对个人和社会造成长期影响。 INSPIRE 一揽子计划等全球政策工具提出了预防 VAC 的战略,包括法律的实施和执行、规范和价值观、安全环境、家长和看护者支持、收入和经济强化、应对和支持服务以及教育和生活技能。这项系统综述旨在综合每个 INSPIRE 策略的最新证据基础(即自 2000 年以来发布的),以减少家庭或家庭成员的 VAC。我们使用受控词汇和关键词搜索了四个数据库,并在之前的评论评论中搜索了其他记录。本综述共纳入 67 项研究,包括文献综述、荟萃分析、系统综述和其他类型的综述。我们发现大量证据支持父母和看护者支持干预措施的有效性。然而,对其他 INSPIRE 策略的评论却很少。我们还发现,来自中低收入国家、残疾儿童以及受强迫流离失所和冲突影响的家庭的样本代表性严重不足。总之,这项系统综述表明,有几种有希望的预防 VAC 的策略(例如家访和家长教育),但需要进一步的研究来加强现有的证据,并有效地为证据的实施和扩大提供信息。保护儿童免受全球暴力侵害的干预措施。