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“It's about how you use your privilege”: Privilege, Power, and Social (In)justice in Berlin's Community Food Spaces
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.13048
Ophélie Véron 1

This paper explores the role of community food spaces in processes of social change and reproduction. I investigate the mechanisms by which these groups reproduce, exacerbate, or dismantle power relations and socio‐environmental injustices. I systematically examine exclusion and inclusion dynamics and assess what shapes diversity of participation and representation. Contending that diversity is not a sufficient indicator of social equity and may overshadow forms of injustice, I unpack the interlocking workings of privilege and power in place and examine innovative ways of developing emancipatory food politics. Drawing upon activist ethnography among community gardens, people's kitchens, and co‐operative projects in Berlin, I expose the complex, dual nature of its food activist landscape, characterised by the coexistence of experienced, locally rooted, and openly political projects, and more recent, outsider‐led sustainability‐ and consumption‐orientated projects—together embodying the variegated and shifting politics of socio‐environmental change in the city and beyond.



本文探讨了社区食物空间在社会变革和再生产过程中的作用。我研究了这些群体繁殖、加剧或瓦解权力关系和社会环境不公正的机制。我系统地研究排斥和包容的动态,并评估是什么塑造了参与和代表性的多样性。我认为多样性并不是社会公平的充分指标,并且可能掩盖各种形式的不公正,因此我解析了特权和权力的相互关联的运作方式,并研究了发展解放性粮食政治的创新方法。借鉴柏林社区花园、人民厨房和合作项目中的激进主义民族志,我揭示了其食品激进主义景观的复杂性和双重性,其特点是经验丰富的、植根于当地的、公开的政治项目与最近的项目并存。 、外部主导的可持续发展和消费导向的项目——共同体现了城市内外社会环境变化的多样化和不断变化的政治。