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Contemporary Censorship Debates in Germany
New Theatre Quarterly ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266464x24000058
Marvin Carlson

During the past five years the cultural world in Germany has been shaken and divided by a series of controversies involving contemporary works of art charged with being anti-Semitic. Obviously, with the Holocaust continuing to occupy a major position in modern German consciousness and history, sensitivity to anti-Semitic expressions is particularly keen here. This sensitivity has been increased by a number of recent developments, including the growing visibility of far-right political groups, the rise of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) protesting Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, and the official politicization of these tensions by a parliamentary ruling in 2015 restricting the activities of the BDS. The conflict between legitimate criticism of policies of the Israeli state and legitimate censorship of ethnically offensive material has recently become increasingly bitter in Germany. This article discusses the dynamics of three of the most significant recent examples: the conflict involving Germany’s most prestigious arts festival, the Kassell documenta in 2020; the withdrawal in 2022 of the European Drama Award, the continent’s largest award, from British dramatist Caryl Churchill; and the withdrawal from the Munich stage of the most recent play by Wajdi Mouawad, who has been widely heralded in Germany as the most significant contemporary dramatist.



在过去的五年里,德国文化界因一系列涉及反犹太主义当代艺术作品的争议而动摇和分裂。显然,随着大屠杀继续在现代德国意识和历史中占据重要地位,对反犹太主义言论的敏感性在这里尤其强烈。最近的一些事态发展加剧了这种敏感性,包括极右翼政治团体的知名度不断提高,抗议以色列对待巴勒斯坦人的抵制、撤资和制裁运动(BDS)的兴起,以及这些活动的官方政治化。 2015 年议会裁决限制北斗系统的活动,从而缓解了紧张局势。对以色列国家政策的合法批评与对种族攻击性材料的合法审查之间的冲突最近在德国变得越来越激烈。本文讨论了最近三个最重要例子的动态:涉及德国最负盛名的艺术节 2020 年卡塞尔文献展的冲突;英国戏剧家卡里尔·丘吉尔于 2022 年撤销欧洲戏剧奖,这是欧洲大陆最大的奖项;瓦伊迪·懋婉 (Wajdi Mouawad) 的最新作品退出慕尼黑舞台,瓦伊迪·懋婉在德国被广泛誉为当代最重要的剧作家。