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Drivers of hotel guests’ choice of smart products: Applying a complexity theory involving TAM, technology readiness, TPB, and emotion factors
International Journal of Hospitality Management ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103755
Heesup Han , Seongseop (Sam) Kim , Frank Badu-Baiden , Amr Al-Ansi , Jinkyung Jenny Kim

A clear understanding of consumer adoption behavior would lead to broader acceptance of technology-mediated products, which eventually pave the way for the success of smart hotels. This study explored the psychological mechanisms involved in hotel guests’ choice of smart products, based on complexity theory. This study used motivation factors based on the technology acceptance model, technology readiness factors; volitional and non-volitional factors from the theory of planned behavior; and emotional factors as drivers of approach behavior in the smart hotel context. Symmetrical and asymmetrical analysis methods tested the net effect and interconnectedness of proposed variables on intention to purchase smart products. A number of optimal configurations offer extra opportunities for industry practitioners to develop more customized strategies.


酒店客人选择智能产品的驱动因素:应用涉及 TAM、技术准备度、TPB 和情感因素的复杂性理论
