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The Interval Between Concussions Does Not Influence Time to Asymptomatic or Return to Play: A CARE Consortium Study
Sports Medicine ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s40279-024-02015-2
Eric J. Shumski , Shawn R. Eagle , Anthony P. Kontos , Jeffrey J. Bazarian , Jaclyn B. Caccese , Sara P. D. Chrisman , James R. Clugston , Thomas W. McAllister , Michael McCrea , Steven P. Broglio , Robert C. Lynall , Julianne D. Schmidt , Stefan M. Duma , Paul F. Pasquina , Alison Brooks , Louise A. Kelly , Holly J. Benjamin , James T. Eckner , Joseph B. Hazzard , Adam Susmarski , Christina L. Master , April Hoy , Justus Ortega , Thomas Buckley , Megan H. Roach , Thomas W. Kaminski , Luis A. Feigenbaum ,


The purpose of this study was to determine if the time interval between two concussive events influences the number of days to asymptomatic status, days to return to play, or performance on common post-concussion assessments following the second concussion.


Data from 448 collegiate athletes and service academy cadets with two concussions (time between concussions: median 295.0 days [interquartile range: 125.0–438.2]), 40.0% female) were analyzed from Concussion Assessment Research and Education (CARE) Consortium institutions between 2014 and 2020. Days between concussions was the primary predictor variable. Primary outcome measures included time to asymptomatic and time to return to play following the second concussion. Secondary outcome measures included total number of symptoms, total symptom severity, Balance Error Scoring System total score, and Standardized Assessment of Concussion total score within 48 h of their second concussion.


Time between concussions did not significantly contribute to the multivariate time to asymptomatic (p = 0.390), time to return to play (p = 0.859), or the secondary outcomes (p-range = 0.165–0.477) models. Time to asymptomatic (p = 0.619) or return to play (p = 0.524) did not differ between same-season and different-season concussions. Sex significantly contributed to the return to play (p = 0.005) multivariate model. Delayed symptom onset and immediate removal from play/competition significantly contributed to the total number of symptoms (p = 0.001, p = 0.014) and symptom severity (p = 0.011, p = 0.022) multivariate models.


These results suggest that in a population with a large period between injuries, the time between concussions may not be relevant to clinical recovery.


脑震荡之间的间隔时间不会影响无症状或重返比赛的时间:一项 CARE 联盟研究




2014 年至 2014 年期间,脑震荡评估研究和教育 (CARE) 联盟机构对 448 名患有两次脑震荡的大学运动员和军校学员的数据进行了分析(脑震荡间隔时间:中位数 295.0 天 [四分位距:125.0–438.2]),其中 40.0% 为女性)。 2020 年。脑震荡之间的天数是主要预测变量。主要结果指标包括无症状时间和第二次脑震荡后返回比赛的时间。次要结果指标包括症状总数、症状总严重程度、平衡误差评分系统总分以及第二次脑震荡 48 小时内脑震荡标准化评估总分。


脑震荡之间的时间对无症状时间 ( p  = 0.390)、返回比赛时间 ( p  = 0.859) 或次要结果 ( p范围 = 0.165–0.477) 模型没有显着影响。 同赛季和不同赛季脑震荡的无症状时间 ( p  = 0.619) 或返回比赛时间 ( p = 0.524) 没有差异。在多变量模型中,性别对重返比赛有显着贡献(p  = 0.005)。延迟症状出现和立即退出比赛/比赛对多变量模型的症状总数(p  = 0.001,p  = 0.014)和症状严重程度(p  = 0.011,p  = 0.022)有显着影响。


