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A dam or a polder? Stakeholders’ dispute over the “right” flood-protection measure in the Czech Republic
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-024-02022-7
Ivan Andráško , Barbora Duží , Stanislav Martinát

This study focuses on the Skalička Waterwork (SWW), a largely debated and media-covered water-related/flood-protection project in the Czech Republic. Relying primarily on stakeholder interviews, we traced back and reconstructed the project’s development, including its key tipping points reflecting the changing societal preferences for particular measures, yet also the involvement of individual actors/stakeholders, and their differing views. The case eventually crystallized into the “dam versus polder” dispute; concerned by the repercussions for the local landscape, a joint initiative of NGOs, local activists, and politicians not only opposed the dam variant proposed by the state river basin administration but also succeeded in pushing through the alternative scheme of side dry polder. While in many ways specific (e.g. not entailing local resistance), the case exemplifies recent shifts (and respective struggles) within flood risk management, including the increasing importance attributed to complex, catchment-wide perspectives, joint local and scientific knowledge, participatory decision-making processes, or implementation of nature-based and hybrid solutions.



本研究重点关注 Skalička 水厂 (SWW),这是捷克共和国一个备受争议和媒体报道的水相关/防洪项目。主要依靠利益相关者访谈,我们追溯并重建了项目的发展,包括其关键转折点,反映了社会对特定措施的偏好不断变化,以及个体参与者/利益相关者的参与及其不同观点。该案最终演变为“大坝与圩田”之争;由于担心对当地景观的影响,非政府组织、当地活动人士和政治家联合倡议,不仅反对州河流流域管理局提出的水坝变体方案,而且成功推动了侧面干圩田的替代方案。虽然在许多方面都很具体(例如,不引起当地的抵抗),但该案例体现了洪水风险管理中最近的转变(以及各自的斗争),包括复杂的、流域范围的视角、当地和科学知识的联合、参与性决策的重要性日益增加。制作流程,或实施基于自然的混合解决方案。
