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Transportation Noise Pollution and Cardiovascular Health
Circulation Research ( IF 16.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.123.323584
Thomas Münzel 1, 2 , Michael Molitor 1, 2 , Marin Kuntic 1 , Omar Hahad 1, 2 , Martin Röösli 3 , Nicole Engelmann 3 , Mathias Basner 4 , Andreas Daiber 1, 2 , Mette Sørensen 5, 6

Epidemiological studies have found that transportation noise increases the risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, with solid evidence for ischemic heart disease, heart failure, and stroke. According to the World Health Organization, at least 1.6 million healthy life years are lost annually from traffic-related noise in Western Europe. Traffic noise at night causes fragmentation and shortening of sleep, elevation of stress hormone levels, and increased oxidative stress in the vasculature and the brain. These factors can promote vascular (endothelial) dysfunction, inflammation, and arterial hypertension, thus elevating cardiovascular risk. The present review focusses on the indirect, nonauditory cardiovascular health effects of noise. We provide an updated overview of epidemiological research on the effects of transportation noise on cardiovascular risk factors and disease, and mechanistic insights based on the latest clinical and experimental studies and propose new risk markers to address noise-induced cardiovascular effects in the general population. We will discuss the potential effects of noise on vascular dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation in humans and animals. We will elaborately explain the underlying pathomechanisms by alterations of gene networks, epigenetic pathways, circadian rhythm, signal transduction along the neuronal-cardiovascular axis, and metabolism. We will describe current and future noise mitigation strategies. Finally, we will conduct an overall evaluation of the status of the current evidence of noise as a significant cardiovascular risk factor.



流行病学研究发现,交通噪音会增加心血管疾病发病和死亡的风险,有缺血性心脏病、心力衰竭和中风的确凿证据。据世界卫生组织称,西欧每年至少因交通噪音而损失 160 万健康生命年。夜间的交通噪音会导致睡眠碎片化和缩短、应激激素水平升高以及脉管系统和大脑中的氧化应激增加。这些因素会促进血管(内皮)功能障碍、炎症和动脉高血压,从而增加心血管风险。本综述的重点是噪音对心血管健康的间接、非听觉影响。我们提供了关于交通噪声对心血管危险因素和疾病影响的流行病学研究的最新概述,以及基于最新临床和实验研究的机制见解,并提出了新的风险标记来解决普通人群中噪声引起的心血管影响。我们将讨论噪音对人类和动物的血管功能障碍、氧化应激和炎症的潜在影响。我们将通过基因网络、表观遗传途径、昼夜节律、沿神经元-心血管轴的信号转导和新陈代谢的改变来详细解释潜在的病理机制。我们将描述当前和未来的噪音缓解策略。最后,我们将对噪音作为重要心血管危险因素的现有证据的状况进行总体评估。