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Children’s and adolescents’ engagement with music and the potential for (digital) empowerment processes: A text-mining-supported scoping review
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356241241535
Kathrin Smolarczyk 1 , Lisa Birnbaum 2 , Alexander Christ 2 , Stephan Kröner 2

Extracurricular and out-of-school engagement with music is often associated with positive effects for musical goals while also holding potential for developmental and empowerment processes. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance and the potential of digital technologies for facilitating musical engagement. The emergence of digitally transformed musicking has added complexity to the already multifaceted and complex field of research on non-formal musical engagement. Thus, the aims of this text-mining-supported scoping review are (1) to map and describe the underlying research topics in the field of children’s and adolescents’ musical engagement, (2) to explore potential for empowerment processes, and (3) to identify the extent to which digital aspects emerge. Based on N = 624 articles, a topic-modeling procedure yielded k = 10 topics covering cognitive, emotional and attitudinal, youth cultural and digital aspects. Among these, one predominantly digital topic comprised studies on the production and consumption of music. Implications for the potential for empowerment can be drawn from studies that focus on youth cultural aspects, such as hip-hop culture and digital aspects. Limitations and implications for further research are discussed, including how to transfer these findings and how new technologies can further enhance music-making and creation.



课外和校外对音乐的参与通常对音乐目标产生积极影响,同时也具有发展和赋权过程的潜力。 COVID-19 大流行凸显了数字技术在促进音乐参与方面的重要性和潜力。数字化转型的音乐王的出现,给本来就多方面且复杂的非正式音乐参与研究领域增添了复杂性。因此,这项文本挖掘支持的范围界定审查的目的是(1)绘制和描述儿童和青少年音乐参与领域的基础研究主题,(2)探索赋权过程的潜力,以及(3)以确定数字方面出现的程度。基于 N = 624 篇文章,主题建模程序产生了 k = 10 个主题,涵盖认知、情感和态度、青年文化和数字方面。其中,一个主要的数字主题包括对音乐的生产和消费的研究。赋权潜力的影响可以从关注青年文化方面(例如嘻哈文化和数字方面)的研究中得出。讨论了进一步研究的局限性和影响,包括如何转移这些发现以及新技术如何进一步增强音乐制作和创作。