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Nuclear Parton Distribution Functions After the First Decade of LHC Data
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-nucl-102122-022747
Michael Klasen 1 , Hannu Paukkunen 2, 3

We present a review of the conceptual basis, current knowledge, and recent progress regarding global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions (PDFs). After introducing the theoretical foundations and methodological approaches for the extraction of nuclear PDFs from experimental data, we discuss how different measurements in fixed-target and collider experiments provide increasingly precise constraints on various aspects of nuclear PDFs, including shadowing, antishadowing, the EMC effect, Fermi motion, flavor separation, deuteron binding, and target-mass and other higher-twist effects. Particular emphasis is given to measurements carried out in proton–lead collisions at the Large Hadron Collider, which have revolutionized the global analysis during the past decade. These measurements include electroweak boson, jet, light hadron, and heavy flavor observables. Finally, we outline the expected impact of the future Electron Ion Collider and discuss the role and interplay of nuclear PDFs with other branches of nuclear, particle, and astroparticle physics.


LHC 数据第一个十年后的核部分子分布函数

我们回顾了核部分子分布函数 (PDF) 全局分析的概念基础、当前知识和最新进展。在介绍了从实验数据中提取核 PDF 的理论基础和方法之后,我们讨论了固定目标和对撞机实验中的不同测量如何为核 PDF 的各个方面提供越来越精确的约束,包括阴影、反阴影、EMC 效应、费米运动、风味分离、氘核结合、目标质量和其他更高扭曲效应。特别强调在大型强子对撞机的质子-铅碰撞中进行的测量,这在过去十年中彻底改变了全球分析。这些测量包括电弱玻色子、射流、轻强子和重味可观测值。最后,我们概述了未来电子离子对撞机的预期影响,并讨论了核 PDF 与核、粒子和天体粒子物理学其他分支的作用和相互作用。