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Influence of rock type and geophysical properties on radon flux density
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s00411-024-01067-2
N K Ryzhakova 1 , K O Stavitskaya 1 , S A Plastun 1

The most significant source of human exposure to ionizing radiation is the radioactive gas radon (basically 222Rn) and its daughter decay products, creating more than half of the effective dose from all natural sources. Radon enters buildings mainly from dense rocks, which are below building foundations at depths of 1 m and more. In this paper long-term measurements of radon flux density are analyzed, with radon exhalation from the surface of the most common rocks—loams, sandy loams, clays, clay shales, several types of sandy-gravel-pebble deposits, clay and rocky limestone. The influence of geophysical properties of rocks on radon flux density due to exhalation from surfaces of those rocks was studied. Based on the results obtained, a method of local assessment of the hazard from radon and its progeny in buildings is proposed, which is based on the geophysical properties of rocks below the foundations of those buildings.



人类暴露于电离辐射的最重要来源是放射性气体氡(基本上是222 Rn)及其子体衰变产物,产生的有效剂量占所有天然来源的一半以上。氡气主要从建筑物地基以下 1 m 及以上深度的致密岩石进入建筑物。本文分析了氡通量密度的长期测量,包括最常见岩石(壤土、砂壤土、粘土、粘土页岩、几种类型的砂砾石沉积物、粘土和岩石石灰岩)表面的氡析出。 。研究了岩石地球物理性质对岩石表面呼出氡气通量密度的影响。根据所获得的结果,提出了一种对建筑物中氡气及其子体危害进行局部评估的方法,该方法基于建筑物地基下方岩石的地球物理特性。
