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Continuation of Reversible Contraception Following Enrollment in the Zika Contraception Access Network (Z‐CAN) in Puerto Rico, 2016–2020
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12262
Lauren B. Zapata 1 , Katherine Kortsmit 2 , Kathryn M. Curtis 3 , Lisa Romero 4 , Stacey Hurst 5 , Eva Lathrop 6 , Edna Acosta Perez 7 , Marizaida Sánchez Cesáreo 8 , Maura K. Whiteman 9

The Zika Contraception Access Network (Z‐CAN) provided access to high‐quality client‐centered contraceptive services across Puerto Rico during the 2016–2017 Zika virus outbreak. We sent online surveys during May 2017–August 2020 to a subset of Z‐CAN patients at 6, 24, and 36 months after program enrollment (response rates: 55–60 percent). We described contraceptive method continuation, method satisfaction, and method switching, and we identified characteristics associated with discontinuation using multivariable logistic regression. Across all contraceptive methods, continuation was 82.5 percent, 64.2 percent, and 49.9 percent at 6, 24, and 36 months, respectively. Among continuing users, method satisfaction was approximately ≥90 percent. Characteristics associated with decreased likelihood of discontinuation included: using an intrauterine device or implant compared with a nonlong‐acting reversible contraceptive method (shot, pills, ring, patch, or condoms alone); wanting to prevent pregnancy at follow‐up; and receiving as their baseline method the same method primarily used before Z‐CAN. Other associated characteristics included: receiving the method they were most interested in postcounseling (6 and 24 months) and being very satisfied with Z‐CAN services at the initial visit (6 months). Among those wanting to prevent pregnancy at follow‐up, about half reported switching to another method. Ongoing access to contraceptive services is essential for promoting reproductive autonomy, including supporting patients with continued use, method switching, or discontinuation.


2016-2020 年波多黎各加入寨卡避孕接入网络 (Z-CAN) 后继续可逆避孕

在 2016 年至 2017 年寨卡病毒爆发期间,寨卡避孕访问网络 (Z-CAN) 在波多黎各各地提供了以客户为中心的高质量避孕服务。我们在 2017 年 5 月至 2020 年 8 月期间向一部分 Z-CAN 患者在项目注册后 6、24 和 36 个月进行了在线调查(回复率:55%–60%)。我们描述了避孕方法的延续、方法满意度和方法转换,并使用多变量逻辑回归确定了与终止相关的特征。在所有避孕方法中,6 个月、24 个月和 36 个月的继续避孕率分别为 82.5%、64.2% 和 49.9%。在持续使用的用户中,方法满意度约为 ≥90%。与停药可能性降低相关的特征包括:与非长效可逆避孕方法(注射、丸剂、环、贴片或单独使用避孕套)相比,使用宫内节育器或植入物;希望在随访时避孕;并接收 Z-CAN 之前主要使用的相同方法作为其基线方法。其他相关特征包括:在咨询后(6 个月和 24 个月)接受了他们最感兴趣的方法,并且在初次就诊时(6 个月)对 Z-CAN 服务非常满意。在那些希望在随访中避孕的人中,大约有一半的人报告转而使用另一种方法。持续获得避孕服务对于促进生殖自主权至关重要,包括支持患者继续使用、转换方法或停用。