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The rate of deadwood decomposition processes in tree stand gaps resulting from bark beetle infestation spots in mountain forests
Forest Ecosystems ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100195
Ewa Błońska , Adam Górski , Jarosław Lasota

Decaying wood is an essential element of forest ecosystems and it affects its other components. The aim of our research was to determine the decomposition rate of deadwood in various humidity and thermal conditions in the gaps formed in the montane forest stands. The research was carried out in the Babiogórski National Park. The research plots were marked out in the gaps of the stands, which were formed as a result of bark beetle gradation. Control plots were located in undisturbed stands. The research covered wood of two species – spruce and beech in the form of cubes with dimensions of 50 ​mm × ​50 ​mm × ​22 ​mm. Wood samples were placed directly on the soil surface and subjected to laboratory analysis after 36 months. A significant influence of the wood species and the study plot type on the physicochemical properties of the tested wood samples was found. Wood characteristics strongly correlated with soil moisture. A significantly higher mass decline of wood samples was recorded on the reference study plots, which were characterized by more stable moisture conditions. Poorer decomposition of wood in the gaps regardless of the species is related to lower moisture. The wood species covered by the study differed in the decomposition rate. Spruce wood samples were characterized by a significantly higher decomposition rate compared to beech wood samples. Our research has confirmed that disturbances that lead to the formation of gaps have a direct impact on the decomposition process of deadwood.



腐烂的木材是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,它会影响其其他组成部分。我们研究的目的是确定山地林中形成的间隙中各种湿度和热条件下枯木的分解率。该研究是在巴比奥戈尔斯基国家公园进行的。研究地块在树皮甲虫分级形成的看台间隙中标出。对照地块位于未受干扰的林地。该研究涵盖了两种木材——云杉和山毛榉,尺寸为 50 毫米 × 50 毫米 × 22 毫米立方体。木材样品直接放置在土壤表面,36 个月后进行实验室分析。发现木材种类和研究样地类型对测试木材样品的理化特性有显着影响。木材特性与土壤湿度密切相关。参考研究样地记录的木材样品质量下降明显更高,其特点是水分条件更稳定。无论何种树种,木材在缝隙中的分解较差都与较低的湿度有关。该研究涵盖的木材品种的分解率有所不同。与山毛榉木样品相比,云杉木样品的分解率明显更高。我们的研究证实,导致间隙形成的干扰对枯木的分解过程有直接影响。