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Modeling the effect of stand and site characteristics on the probability of mistletoe infestation in Scots pine stands using remote sensing data
Forest Ecosystems ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100191
Luiza Tymińska-Czabańska , Piotr Janiec , Paweł Hawryło , Jacek Ślopek , Anna Zielonka , Paweł Netzel , Daniel Janczyk , Jarosław Socha

Over the past decade, the presence of mistletoe ( ssp. ) in Scots pine stands has increased in many European countries. Understanding the factors that influence the occurrence of mistletoe in stands is key to making appropriate forest management decisions to limit damage and prevent the spread of mistletoe in the future. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the probability of mistletoe occurrence in Scots pine stands in relation to stand-related endogenous factors such as age, top height, and stand density, as well as topographic and edaphic factors. We used unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery from 2,247 stands to detect mistletoe in Scots pine stands, while majority stand and site characteristics were calculated from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. Information on stand age and site type from the State Forest database were also used. We found that mistletoe infestation in Scots pine stands is influenced by stand and site characteristics. We documented that the densest, tallest, and oldest stands were more susceptible to mistletoe infestation. Site type and specific microsite conditions associated with topography were also important factors driving mistletoe occurrence. In addition, climatic water balance was a significant factor in increasing the probability of mistletoe occurrence, which is important in the context of predicted temperature increases associated with climate change. Our results are important for better understanding patterns of mistletoe infestation and ecosystem functioning under climate change. In an era of climate change and technological development, the use of remote sensing methods to determine the risk of mistletoe infestation can be a very useful tool for managing forest ecosystems to maintain forest sustainability and prevent forest disturbance.



在过去的十年中,许多欧洲国家的欧洲赤松林中槲寄生(ssp.)的数量有所增加。了解影响林分中槲寄生发生的因素是做出适当的森林管理决策以限制损害并防止未来槲寄生蔓延的关键。因此,本研究的主要目的是确定欧洲赤松林中槲寄生发生的概率与林分相关的内源因素(如树龄、顶部高度和林分密度以及地形和土壤因素)的关系。我们使用来自 2,247 个林分的无人机 (UAV) 图像来检测欧洲赤松林中的槲寄生,而大多数林分和场地特征是根据机载激光扫描 (ALS) 数据计算得出的。还使用了国家森林数据库中的林龄和场地类型信息。我们发现欧洲赤松林中的槲寄生侵染受到林分和场地特征的影响。我们记录了最密集、最高和最古老的林分更容易受到槲寄生的侵扰。场地类型和与地形相关的特定微场地条件也是驱动槲寄生发生的重要因素。此外,气候水平衡是增加槲寄生发生概率的一个重要因素,这在预测与气候变化相关的温度升高的背景下非常重要。我们的结果对于更好地了解气候变化下槲寄生侵染模式和生态系统功能非常重要。在气候变化和技术发展的时代,利用遥感方法确定槲寄生侵染的风险可以成为管理森林生态系统以维持森林可持续性和防止森林干扰的非常有用的工具。