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Multimodality in third turn repetitions: Evaluation, mitigation, and the pursuit of responses in a Korean-as-foreign-language classroom
Language Teaching Research ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1177/13621688241241037
Eunhae Cho 1 , Hee Jin Lee Park 2 , Stephen Daniel Looney 1

This conversation analysis (CA) study extends our understanding of the complexity of three turn instructional sequences by investigating the multimodal turn design of a teacher’s third turn repetitions (TTRs) and the actions accomplished in the third turn position as well as subsequent post-expansions. The videorecorded data are from an undergraduate Korean as a foreign language classroom at a large US university. The analysis reveals how a teacher coordinates resources such as language, prosody, gaze, gesture, body movements, and objects during and immediately following TTRs to mitigate negative evaluation, direct student attention to trouble sources, and intimate answers. The findings show that actions accomplished by talk, i.e. negative evaluation, and actions accomplished by multimodal resources like gaze, i.e. directing attention, may be undertaken simultaneously. The article contributes to understandings of teaching as complex and contingent interactional work by unpacking in fine-grained detail the moment-by-moment multimodal unfolding of pedagogical practice. We conclude by discussing implications for teacher preparation, namely the central role microanalysis of videorecorded classroom interaction should play.



这项对话分析 (CA) 研究通过研究教师第三轮重复 (TTR) 的多模态轮次设计以及在第三轮位置完成的动作以及随后的扩展后,扩展了我们对三轮教学序列复杂性的理解。录像数据来自美国一所大型大学外语教室的韩语本科生。分析揭示了教师如何在 TTR 期间和之后协调语言、韵律、目光、手势、身体动作和物体等资源,以减轻负面评价、引导学生关注问题根源和贴心答案。研究结果表明,通过谈话完成的行动(即负面评价)和通过凝视等多模式资源完成的行动(即引导注意力)可以同时进行。本文通过细致地阐述教学实践的时时刻刻多模式展开,有助于将教学理解为复杂且偶然的互动工作。最后,我们讨论了对教师准备的影响,即录像课堂互动的微观分析应发挥的核心作用。