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Comment on “Sexism in Academia is Bad for Science and a Waste of Public Funding”
Global Challenges ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1002/gch2.202400072
Leonie Barner 1

A recent comment by Boivin et al. urges academia and governments to address sexism and fight bias at higher education and research institutions as losing female academics is costing science and society too much. Herein, I discuss further underlying reasons of sexism in academia and the importance of a deep dive into the causes of inequity at individual faculty and school levels to develop bespoke and enforceable gender equity plans, the importance of not using basic statistic as the only tool to measure equity/inequity as well as how key performance indicators could be better used to advance gender equity and end sexism in academia.



Boivin 等人最近的评论。敦促学术界和政府解决性别歧视问题,并消除高等教育和研究机构中的偏见,因为女性学者的流失给科学和社会带来了巨大损失。在此,我进一步讨论学术界性别歧视的根本原因,以及深入研究个别教师和学校层面不平等原因以制定定制且可执行的性别平等计划的重要性,以及不使用基本统计数据作为唯一工具的重要性。衡量公平/不平等以及如何更好地利用关键绩效指标来促进性别平等并结束学术界的性别歧视。