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Information for Contributors
Public Administration Review ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1111/puar.13829

About the Journal

Public Administration Review (PAR) is dedicated to advancing theory and practice in public administration. PAR serves a wide range of audiences globally. As the preeminent professional journal in public administration, Public Administration Review (PAR) strives to publish research that not only advances the science and theory of public administration, but also incorporates and addresses the realities of the practice of public administration.

The PAR editorial team takes pride in our rigorous review process. Although we strive for rigor, we also seek to provide quality service to our contributors. Operationally, this means we try to offer high quality, timely feedback. The standard time for full peer review is typically less than 90 days from receipt of a manuscript to an editor’s decision. If our internal editorial review concludes a manuscript is not suitable for full peer review, then we usually have a decision to authors within 14 days after submission of a manuscript.

As a professional journal, PAR encourages submissions from both scholars and practitioners. Regardless of the affiliations of our authors, our readers value research informed by practice and practice informed by research. Since its founding in 1940, PAR has regularly published articles contributed by practitioners.




公共行政评论( PAR ) 致力于推进公共行政的理论和实践。PAR为全球范围内的广泛受众提供服务。作为公共行政领域的杰出专业期刊,《公共行政评论》PAR)致力于发表不仅推进公共行政科学和理论,而且融入和解决公共行政实践现实的研究成果。

PAR编辑团队对我们严格的审核流程感到自豪。尽管我们力求严谨,但我们也寻求为贡献者提供优质的服务。从操作上来说,这意味着我们努力提供高质量、及时的反馈。从收到稿件到编辑做出决定,完整同行评审的标准时间通常不到 90 天。如果我们的内部编辑评审得出手稿不适合进行全面同行评审的结论,那么我们通常会在提交手稿后 14 天内对作者做出决定。

