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Evaluation of easy-to-implement anti-stress interventions in a series of N-of-1 trials: Study protocol of the Anti-Stress Intervention Among Physicians Study (ASIP)
medRxiv - Occupational and Environmental Health Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.22.24306161
Valentin Max Vetter , Tobias Kurth , Stefan Konigorski

Background Adverse effects of chronically high levels of stress on physical and mental health are well established. In physicians, the effects of elevated stress levels exceed the individual level and include treatment errors and reduced quality of patient-doctor relationships. Breathing and mindfulness-based exercises have been shown to reduce stress and could serve as an immediate and easy-to-implement anti-stress intervention among physicians. Due to the heterogeneity of their effect on stress, we aim to evaluate the intervention effect of performing a short daily breathwork-based or mindfulness-based intervention on the everyday level of perceived stress in physicians in residence in Germany in a series of N-of-1 trials.


在一系列 N-of-1 试验中评估易于实施的抗压力干预措施:医生抗压力干预研究 (ASIP) 的研究方案

背景长期高压力对身心健康的不利影响是众所周知的。对于医生来说,压力水平升高的影响超出了个人水平,包括治疗错误和医患关系质量下降。呼吸和基于正念的练习已被证明可以减轻压力,并且可以作为医生立即且易于实施的抗压力干预措施。由于它们对压力的影响存在异质性,我们的目的是通过一系列 N-of 评估对德国住院医师的日常感知压力水平进行短期的基于呼吸或正念的干预的干预效果。 -1次试验。