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Music teachers’ perceptions of intercultural competence in Spain
International Journal of Music Education ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1177/02557614231220655
María Tomé-Fernández 1 , Verónica Bravo-Yebra 1

Intercultural competence is essential in schools attended by students of different ethnicities, cultures, and religions. A number of studies have suggested that music facilitates the transmission of values and emotions inherent in intercultural competence. The role of teachers is considered essential as well. Thus, it is important to consider music teachers’ perceptions on intercultural competence. This study drew out the perceptions of 74 teachers delivering music teaching in primary and secondary schools, conservatories, and music schools in Spain. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews. A content validity index of 0.92 was obtained after considering the judgments of 19 experts in the fields of research and practice in music education. The teachers’ responses were analyzed using NVivo (11). The findings highlighted the positive perceptions of the benefits of intercultural competence in students. Aspects such as the lack of training, the requirement to teach a planned/structured curriculum and the shortage of advisors on the subject, emerged as negative perceptions communicated by the teachers.



对于不同种族、文化和宗教的学生就读的学校来说,跨文化能力至关重要。许多研究表明,音乐有助于跨文化能力中固有的价值观和情感的传播。教师的作用也被认为至关重要。因此,考虑音乐教师对跨文化能力的看法很重要。这项研究得出了 74 名在西班牙中小学、音乐学院和音乐学校进行音乐教学的教师的看法。通过半结构化访谈收集数据。综合19位音乐教育研究和实践领域专家的判断,得出0.92的内容效度指数。使用 NVivo 分析了教师的回答 (11)。调查结果强调了学生对跨文化能力的好处的积极看法。缺乏培训、教授有计划/结构化课程的要求以及缺乏该主题的顾问等方面都是教师们传达的负面看法。