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Modeling the larval dispersal and connectivity of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2024.103265
Xing Zhou , Luisa Lopera , Adela Roa-Varón , Annalisa Bracco

Advancements in computing power and improved biophysical dispersal models, have enhanced our ability to realistically simulate distributions and behaviors of fish larvae. In this study, a 1 km high-resolution ocean model capable of capturing the ocean's mesoscale and sub-mesoscale motions is integrated with a biophysical dispersal model that considers a range of larval behaviors. Together they are used to investigate the dispersal and connectivity of Red Snapper () larvae, a key species for both commercial and recreational fisheries in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM). We quantify how various larval behaviors influence the spatiotemporal dispersal, connectivity and settling of Red Snapper larvae focusing on egg buoyancy, larvae swimming capability, and ontogenetic vertical migration. Alongside habitat preferences, the ocean advection of Red Snapper larvae is crucial in shaping their dispersal patterns. Moreover, our simulations suggest different settling and connectivity characteristics between the eastern and western GOM. These results, indicate the need to divide these regions into distinct entities for stock management, rather than treating them as a unified stock as conventionally done.


模拟墨西哥湾北部红鲷鱼 (Lutjanus Campechanus) 幼虫的扩散和连通性

计算能力的进步和生物物理扩散模型的改进增强了我们真实模拟鱼类幼虫分布和行为的能力。在这项研究中,能够捕捉海洋中尺度和亚中尺度运动的 1 公里高分辨率海洋模型与考虑了一系列幼虫行为的生物物理扩散模型相结合。它们一起用于调查红鲷鱼幼虫的扩散和连通性,红鲷鱼幼虫是墨西哥湾北部 (GOM) 商业和休闲渔业的关键物种。我们量化了各种幼虫行为如何影响红鲷鱼幼虫的时空扩散、连通性和定居,重点关注卵浮力、幼虫游泳能力和个体发育垂直迁移。除了栖息地偏好之外,红鲷鱼幼虫的海洋平流对于形成其扩散模式也至关重要。此外,我们的模拟表明东部和西部GOM之间存在不同的沉降和连通性特征。这些结果表明需要将这些区域划分为不同的实体进行库存管理,而不是像传统那样将它们视为统一的库存。