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Service-oriented data consistency research for in-vehicle Ethernet
Vehicular Communications ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2024.100776
Bingkui Li , Lei Zhuang , Guoqing Wang , Yanglong Sun

As the number of in-vehicle electronic devices and system complexity increases, it drives the evolution of the in-vehicle electrical/electronic architecture (E/E). The most promising future architecture is the zone architecture divided by physical location. Zones are connected via high-speed Ethernet, and time-sensitive networking enhances Ethernet in terms of real-time and determinism. In service-oriented communication methods, there are issues with quality assurance and data inconsistency. This paper addresses these issues by combining traffic scheduling strategies in time-sensitive networking, proposing an algorithm for quality assurance and data consistency. Simulation results demonstrate that, under the premise of satisfying the quality of service, the data stream of the same service can reach multiple subscribers simultaneously. This further demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.


