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Towards a socio-techno-ecological approach to sustainability transitions
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2024.100846
Johnn Andersson , Thomas Taro Lennerfors , Helena Fornstedt

The literature on sustainability transitions departs from the idea that social and environmental problems call for transformative change but employs socio-technical frameworks that treat nature as a passive context. In this paper, we argue that transitions research should adopt a socio-techno-ecological approach that accounts better for ecological elements. To take steps in this direction, we review adjacent literature that engages with socio-ecological and socio-techno-ecological systems concepts. Based on insights from this literature, we discuss emerging topics for the development of a socio-techno-ecological transitions framework. Our contribution paves the way for further theoretical development and empirical validation by motivating, contextualizing and sketching a roadmap towards a more comprehensive approach to transitions research.


