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Development of a Web-Based Oxygenation Dashboard for Preterm Neonates: A Quality Improvement Initiative
Journal of Medical Systems ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10916-024-02064-0
J A Poppe 1 , R S Smorenburg 1 , T G Goos 1, 2 , H R Taal 1 , I K M Reiss 1 , S H P Simons 1

Background: Preterm neonates are extensively monitored to require strict oxygen target attainment for optimal outcomes. In daily practice, detailed oxygenation data are hardly used and crucial patterns may be missed due to the snapshot presentations and subjective observations. This study aimed to develop a web-based dashboard with both detailed and summarized oxygenation data in real-time and to test its feasibility to support clinical decision making. Methods: Data from pulse oximeters and ventilators were synchronized and stored to enable real-time and retrospective trend visualizations in a web-based viewer. The dashboard was designed based on interviews with clinicians. A preliminary version was evaluated during daily clinical rounds. The routine evaluation of the respiratory condition of neonates (gestational age < 32 weeks) with respiratory support at the NICU was compared to an assessment with the assistance of the dashboard. Results: The web-based dashboard included data on the oxygen saturation (SpO2), fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), SpO2/FiO2 ratio, and area < 80% and > 95% SpO2 curve during time intervals that could be varied. The distribution of SpO2 values was visualized as histograms. In 65% of the patient evaluations (n = 86) the level of hypoxia was assessed differently with the use of the dashboard. In 75% of the patients the dashboard was judged to provide added value for the clinicians in supporting clinical decisions. Conclusions: A web-based customized oxygenation dashboard for preterm neonates at the NICU was developed and found feasible during evaluation. More clear and objective information was found supportive for clinicians during the daily rounds in tailoring treatment strategies.



背景:早产新生儿受到广泛监测,要求达到严格的氧目标以获得最佳结果。在日常实践中,几乎不会使用详细的氧合数据,并且由于快照呈现和主观观察,可能会错过关键模式。本研究旨在开发一个基于网络的仪表板,其中包含实时详细和汇总的氧合数据,并测试其支持临床决策的可行性。方法:同步并存储来自脉搏血氧计和呼吸机的数据,以便在基于网络的查看器中实现实时和回顾性趋势可视化。该仪表板是根据对临床医生的采访而设计的。在每日临床轮次中评估初步版本。将 NICU 接受呼吸支持的新生儿(胎龄 < 32 周)呼吸状况的常规评估与借助仪表板进行的评估进行比较。结果:基于网络的仪表板包括以下时间间隔内的氧饱和度 (SpO 2 )、吸入氧分数 (FiO 2 )、SpO 2 /FiO 2比率以及面积 < 80% 和 > 95% SpO 2曲线的数据可以是多种多样的。 SpO 2值的分布以直方图的形式可视化。在 65% 的患者评估中( n = 86),使用仪表板对缺氧水平进行了不同的评估。 75% 的患者认为仪表板可以为临床医生支持临床决策提供附加值。结论:针对 NICU 早产儿开发了基于网络的定制氧合仪表板,并在评估过程中发现该仪表板是可行的。 我们发现更清晰、客观的信息可以支持临床医生在日常查房中制定治疗策略。
