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Protein degradation in the auxin response
The Plant Cell ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koae125
Martijn de Roij 1 , Jan Willem Borst 1 , Dolf Weijers 1

The signaling molecule auxin sits at the nexus of plant biology and coordinates essentially all growth and developmental processes in plants. Auxin molecules are transported throughout plant tissues and are capable of evoking highly specific physiological responses in plant cells by inducing various molecular pathways. In many of these pathways, proteolysis plays a crucial role for correct physiological responses. This review provides a chronology of the discovery and characterisation of the auxin receptor, which is a fascinating example of separate research trajectories ultimately converging on the discovery of a core auxin signaling hub which relies on degradation of a family of transcriptional inhibitor proteins – the Aux/IAAs. Beyond describing the “classical” proteolysis-driven auxin response system, we explore more recent examples of the interconnection of proteolytic systems, which target a range of other auxin signaling proteins, and auxin response. By highlighting these emerging concepts, we provide potential future directions to further investigate the role of protein degradation within the framework of auxin response.



信号分子生长素位于植物生物学的枢纽,基本上协调植物的所有生长和发育过程。生长素分子在整个植物组织中运输,并且能够通过诱导各种分子途径在植物细胞中引起高度特异性的生理反应。在许多这些途径中,蛋白水解对于正确的生理反应起着至关重要的作用。这篇综述提供了生长素受体的发现和表征的年表,这是一个有趣的例子,说明了不同的研究轨迹最终集中在核心生长素信号传导中枢的发现上,该中枢依赖于转录抑制蛋白家族的降解 - Aux/ IAA。除了描述“经典”蛋白水解驱动的生长素反应系统之外,我们还探讨了蛋白水解系统互连的最新例子,该系统针对一系列其他生长素信号蛋白和生长素反应。通过强调这些新兴概念,我们为进一步研究生长素反应框架内蛋白质降解的作用提供了潜在的未来方向。