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Inoculation and tracking of beneficial microbes reveal they can establish in field-grown potato roots and decrease blemish diseases
Biology and Fertility of Soils ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s00374-024-01822-z
Geoffrey Darbon , Stéphane Declerck , Gaétan Riot , Marcé Doubell , Brice Dupuis

In a three-year field study, we inoculated two potato varieties with a selection of four beneficial microbial strains (i.e. Rhizophagus irregularis MUCL41833, Trichoderma asperelloides A, Pseudomonas brassicacearum 3Re2-7 and Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN), alone or in combination. Plants were grown under rainfed or irrigated conditions, and potato yield and development of several diseases were evaluated. The microbial inoculants were traced in the root system at different stages of crop development via molecular markers. Whatever the water supply, the inoculants had no effect on yield. Conversely, some of the inoculants were able to lower the incidence and/or severity of several blemish diseases, namely common scab-associated symptoms (CSAS) and silver scurf/black dot-associated symptoms (SSAS). Microbial consortia were more efficient in decreasing symptoms compared to single strain inoculations. The best control was obtained with the combination of R. irregularis and P. brassicacearum, which reduced the incidence of CSAS by 22% and severity of SSAS by 21%. Root tracking revealed that P. brassicacearum and P. phytofirmans PsJN were able to establish in the root system of the potato, while only P. brassicacearum was detected from emergence until flowering of the plants.



在一项为期三年的实地研究中,我们为两个马铃薯品种接种了四种有益微生物菌株(即不规则根噬菌MUCL41833、木霉菌A、芸苔假单胞菌3Re2-7 和Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN),单独或组合接种。在雨养或灌溉条件下种植植物,并评估马铃薯产量和几种疾病的发展。通过分子标记在作物发育不同阶段的根系中追踪微生物接种剂。无论供水如何,接种剂对产量都没有影响。相反,一些接种剂能够降低几种瑕疵性疾病的发生率和/或严重程度,即常见的痂相关症状(CSAS)和银屑/黑点相关症状(SSAS)。与单一菌株接种相比,微生物群落在减轻症状方面更有效。不规则根茎菌十字花科植物的组合获得了最佳控制,将 CSAS 的发生率降低了 22%,将 SSAS 的严重程度降低了 21%。根系追踪显示,P. brassicacearumP. phytofirmans PsJN 能够在马铃薯的根系中建立,而从植物出苗到开花期间仅检测到P. brassicacearum 。
