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Spiralling Engagement Experiences of Creativity (SEEC): A process of research-led arts creation for facilitating experiences of flourishing in participants’ lives
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356241232363
Julie Ballantyne 1 , Eve Klein 1

Research in the area of Positive Psychology typically investigates positive psychological interventions and their impact on the lives of participants, positive psychology as an approach to enhance the lives of participants, or investigations of particular populations in search of evidence of flourishing. This paper presents a research process of embodied, creative engagement to facilitate the exploration of research phenomena within community contexts. Entitled Spiralling Engagement Experiences of Creativity (SEEC), the process adapts concepts from Poetic Inquiry as the basis for exploring a phenomenon and extending participants’ engagement with that phenomenon through the facilitation of creative activities. This pilot study focused on the phenomenon of flourishing, using preliminary participant conversations to generate poetry/lyrics that tell individual, personal stories. Participants repeatedly engaged with their own positive personal stories to create an artwork that they could use to remind themselves of ways to interpret their lives. The benefit of this research process is that it prioritises participants making sense of their own lives in creative ways while exploring a phenomenon of interest. The SEEC process has the potential for use in varied contexts where the intersection of a deliberate research and arts-making framework would be helpful for exploring a phenomenon of inquiry.


螺旋式创造力参与体验 (SEEC):一个以研究为主导的艺术创作过程,旨在促进参与者生活中蓬勃发展的体验

积极心理学领域的研究通常调查积极心理干预及其对参与者生活的影响,积极心理学作为改善参与者生活的方法,或对特定人群进行调查以寻找繁荣的证据。本文提出了一个具体的、创造性的参与的研究过程,以促进在社区背景下探索研究现象。该过程名为螺旋式创造力参与体验(SEEC),采用诗意探究的概念作为探索现象的基础,并通过促进创造性活动来扩展参与者对该现象的参与。这项试点研究的重点是繁荣现象,利用初步的参与者对话来生成讲述个人故事的诗歌/歌词。参与者反复讲述自己积极的个人故事,创作出一件艺术品,他们可以用它来提醒自己如何解释自己的生活。这个研究过程的好处在于,它优先考虑参与者在探索感兴趣的现象的同时以创造性的方式理解自己的生活。 SEEC 流程具有在各种背景下使用的潜力,在这些背景下,深思熟虑的研究和艺术创作框架的交叉将有助于探索探究现象。