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Homing desires: Transnational queer migrants negotiating homes and homelands in Scotland
The Sociological Review ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1177/00380261241244654
Francesca Stella 1 , Jon Binnie 2

A vast literature on the home across sociology, human geography and cognate disciplines has mapped out home as a messy conceptual terrain. Critical perspectives have theorised home as simultaneously imaginative and material, and argued for the importance to pay attention to both dimensions. Following in this tradition, empirical research has explored how ‘home’ is understood, imagined and experienced in everyday life, and how imagery and experiences of home are inflected by class, race/ethnicity, migrancy, gender, sexuality, age and able-bodiness. In the literature on home, however, migrancy and sexuality are rarely brought together. This article advances existing debates on the home though an intersectional exploration of the home/migration/sexuality nexus, drawing on research with queer migrants from Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Former Soviet Union (FSU) living in Scotland. Methodologically, the article draws on photo diaries and photo elicitation interviews to explore queer migrants’ sense of home: an approach that allows us to untangle the spatial, material, imaginary, affective and temporal dimensions of home. Empirically, we show how both migrancy and sexuality inform our participants’ complex experiences and understandings of home. Conceptually, the article brings into conversation literatures on the migrant and the queer home, which have hitherto been largely separate, and proposes ways to advance the exploration of the home/migration/sexuality nexus.



社会学、人文地理学和同源学科中有关家庭的大量文献将家庭描绘成一个混乱的概念领域。批判性观点将家理论化为同时具有想象力和物质性的东西,并主张关注这两个维度的重要性。遵循这一传统,实证研究探索了日常生活中如何理解、想象和体验“家”,以及家的意象和体验如何受到阶级、种族/族裔、移民、性别、性取向、年龄和身体健全的影响。 。然而,在有关家乡的文献中,移民和性行为很少被结合在一起。本文借鉴了对居住在苏格兰的来自中东欧 (CEE) 和前苏联 (FSU) 的酷儿移民的研究,通过对家庭/移民/性关系的交叉探索,推进了关于家庭的现有争论。从方法上来说,本文利用照片日记和照片启发式访谈来探讨酷儿移民的家感:这种方法使我们能够理清家的空间、物质、想象、情感和时间维度。根据经验,我们展示了移民和性行为如何影响参与者对家庭的复杂经历和理解。从概念上讲,本文将迄今为止基本上是分开的关于移民和酷儿家庭的文献纳入对话,并提出了推进对家庭/移民/性关系的探索的方法。