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Playing by ear and the development of music skills at pre-school age
International Journal of Music Education ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1177/02557614241244794
Evi Andrioti 1

The aim of the present research was to investigate the evolutionary course of rhythmic development in pre-school children in a private kindergarten (age 4–5 years) in Athens, Greece, through Lucy Green’s ‘Playing by ear’ method. Tools and strategies taken from qualitative methodology, and more specifically from action-research were used. What was investigated was to what extent the ‘Playing by ear’ method developed the rhythmic skills of the students and to what extent it enhanced the students’ ability to play music in small groups without the teacher’s instructions. It is important to mention that the research was conducted in connection with the goals set in the Analytical Curriculum of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (ΥΠ.Ε.Π.Θ.). The results of the research showed that Green’s ‘Playing by ear’ method helped the students’ development of rhythmic ability with the use of musical instruments, as well as their rhythmic ability through kinetic behaviour. It also helped students to engage in early experimentation. Finally, the method enhanced the students’ ability to play music in small groups without the teacher’s continuous and direct instruction, developing in this way new communication and cooperation practices and skills.



本研究的目的是通过露西·格林(Lucy Green)的“耳听游戏”方法,调查希腊雅典一所私立幼儿园(4-5岁)学龄前儿童节奏发展的进化过程。使用了来自定性方法,更具体地说来自行动研究的工具和策略。调查的目的是“用耳朵演奏”方法在多大程度上发展了学生的节奏技巧,以及在多大程度上提高了学生在没有老师指导的情况下小组演奏音乐的能力。值得一提的是,这项研究是根据希腊教育和宗教事务部分析课程(ΥΠ.Ε.Π.θ.)设定的目标进行的。研究结果表明,格林的“用耳朵演奏”方法有助于学生发展使用乐器的节奏能力,以及通过动态行为培养节奏能力。它还帮助学生参与早期实验。最后,该方法增强了学生在没有老师持续和直接指导的情况下以小组方式演奏音乐的能力,从而发展了新的沟通与合作实践和技能。