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Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Ergasilus anchoratus Markevich, 1946 (Ergasilidae) and phylogeny of Copepoda
Systematic Parasitology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s11230-023-10140-1
Cong-Jie Hua 1, 2 , Yan Huang 1 , Hui-Quan Li 1 , Jin-Mei Feng 2 , Jia-Lu Qiao 1 , Song Hu 1 , Wei Liu 1 , Xi-Ji Shu 1

The mitochondrial (mt) genome can provide data for phylogenetic analyses and evolutionary biology. Herein, we sequenced and annotated the complete mt genome of Ergasilus anchoratus. This mt genome was 13852 bp long and comprised 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs. All PCGs used the standard ATN start codons and complete TAA/TAG termination codons. A majority of tRNA genes exhibited standard cloverleaf secondary structures, with the exception of one tRNA that lacked the TψC arm (trnC), and three tRNAs that lacked the DHU arm (trnR, trnS1 and trnS2). Phylogenetic analyses conducted using Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods both supported Ergasilidae as a monophyletic family forming a sister group to Lernaea cyprinacea and Paracyclopina nana. It also supported the monophyly of orders Calanoida, Cyclopoida, and Siphonostomatoida; and the monophyly of families Harpacticidae, Ergasilidae, Diaptomidae, and Calanidae. The gene orders of E. anchoratus and Sinergasilus undulatus were identical, which represents the first instance of two identical gene orders in copepods. More mt genomes are needed to better understand the phylogenetic relationships within Copepoda in the future.


Ergasilus anchoratus Markevich, 1946(Ergasilidae)完整线粒体基因组的表征和桡足类的系统发育

线粒体(mt)基因组可以为系统发育分析和进化生物学提供数据。在此,我们对锚纹鹬完整的 mt 基因组进行了测序和注释。该mt基因组长13852 bp,包含13个蛋白质编码基因(PCG)、22个tRNA和2个rRNA。所有 PCG 使用标准 ATN 起始密码子和完整 TAA/TAG 终止密码子。大多数 tRNA 基因表现出标准的三叶草二级结构,除了一种缺乏 TψC 臂( trnC )的 tRNA 和三种缺乏 DHU 臂( trnR 、 trnS1trnS2 )的 tRNA 。使用贝叶斯推理 (BI) 和最大似然 (ML) 方法进行的系统发育分析均支持 Ergasilidae 是一个单系家族,与Lernaea cyprinaceaParacyclopina nana形成姐妹群。它还支持Calanoida、Cyclopoida 和Siphonostomatoida 的单系现象。以及Harpacticidae科、Ergasilidae科、Diaptomidae科和Calanidae科的单系。 E.anchoratusSinergasilus undulatus的基因序列是相同的,这是桡足类动物中首次出现两个相同的基因序列。未来需要更多的 mt 基因组来更好地了解桡足类内部的系统发育关系。
