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Maintaining spherical polarization in solar wind plasma
Nature Astronomy ( IF 12.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02265-0
Bishwanath Gaire

The solar wind consists of plasma with fluctuating velocity and magnetic fields in a manner often referred to as Alfvénic. A magnetic field (B) and its fluctuation (δB) with only a small change in its intensity (that is, δB/B ~1) is called spherical polarization. For large-amplitude magnetic fields, this condition (δB/B ~1) is equivalent to the rotation of the magnetic field vector. When the plasma is expanding, and the spherical polarization has the constraint of δB/B ~1, the fluctuations in the radial component (δBR) grow above the value of the background field (B0). This results in polarity reversal in the field in the local regime, which is referred to as a magnetic field switchback.

To resolve the interesting question of maintaining spherical polarization in an expanding solar wind, Lorenzo Matteini et al. simulated the evolution of spherical polarization using two-dimensional hybrid expanding box simulation code CAMELIA. The simulated system of kinetic ions and electron fluids is assumed to begin with a spectrum of balanced Alfvénic-like fluctuations, that is, fluctuations with similar magnetic and kinetic energy contributions and vanishing cross-helicity. They found that the component of an evolving magnetic field fluctuation at an intermediate distance shows a two-dimensional turbulence pattern and turbulence cascade. The patterns consist of structures, including vortical structures and sheets generated due to the relaxation of the initial condition. There are also regions of turbulence growth and dissipation forming patches. The cascaded turbulence is further confirmed by extracting the power laws of the projected spectra.



太阳风由具有波动速度的等离子体和磁场组成,其方式通常被称为“Alfvénic”。磁场 ( B ) 及其波动 (δ B ) 其强度仅发生微小变化(即 δ B / B ~1),称为球极化。对于大振幅磁场,这个条件(δ B / B ~1)相当于磁场矢量的旋转。当等离子体膨胀时,球偏振受到δ B / B ~1 的约束,径向分量(δ B R ) 的波动增长到背景场值( B 0 )之上。这导致局部区域的场极性反转,这被称为磁场之字形。

为了解决在不断扩大的太阳风中保持球偏振的有趣问题,Lorenzo Matteini 等人。使用二维混合扩展盒模拟代码 CAMELIA 模拟了球偏振的演化。假设动离子和电子流体的模拟系统以平衡的类阿尔夫芬涨落谱开始,即具有相似磁能和动能贡献以及交叉螺旋性消失的涨落。他们发现,中距离处不断变化的磁场波动的分量显示出二维湍流模式和湍流级联。这些图案由结构组成,包括由于初始条件松弛而产生的旋涡结构和片材。还有一些湍流增长和消散的区域形成斑块。通过提取投影光谱的幂律进一步证实了级联湍流。
