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How Can Debiasing Research Aid Efforts to Reduce Discrimination?
Personality and Social Psychology Review ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.1177/10888683241244829
Jordan Axt 1 , Jeffrey To 1

Academic AbstractUnderstanding and reducing intergroup discrimination is at the forefront of psychological research. However, efforts to find flexible, scalable, and durable interventions to reduce discrimination have produced only mixed results. In this review, we highlight one potential avenue for developing new strategies for addressing discrimination: adapting prior research on debiasing—the process of lessening bias in judgment errors (e.g., motivated reasoning, overconfidence, and the anchoring heuristic). We first introduce a taxonomy for understanding intervention strategies that are common in the debiasing literature, then highlight existing approaches that have already proven successful for decreasing intergroup discrimination. Finally, we draw attention to promising debiasing interventions that have not yet been applied to the context of discrimination. A greater understanding of prior efforts to mitigate judgment biases more generally can expand efforts to reduce discrimination.Public AbstractScientists studying intergroup biases are often concerned with lessening discrimination (unequal treatment of one social group versus another), but many interventions for reducing such biased behavior have weak or limited evidence. In this review article, we argue one productive avenue for reducing discrimination comes from adapting interventions in a separate field—judgment and decision-making—that has historically studied “debiasing”: the ways people can lessen the unwanted influence of irrelevant information on decision-making. While debiasing research shares several commonalities with research on reducing intergroup discrimination, many debiasing interventions have relied on methods that differ from those deployed in the intergroup bias literature. We review several instances where debiasing principles have been successfully applied toward reducing intergroup biases in behavior and introduce other debiasing techniques that may be well-suited for future efforts in lessening discrimination.



学术摘要理解和减少群体间歧视是心理学研究的前沿。然而,寻找灵活、可扩展和持久的干预措施来减少歧视的努力却只取得了好坏参半的结果。在这篇综述中,我们强调了制定解决歧视问题的新策略的一个潜在途径:调整先前关于去偏见的研究——减少判断错误中偏见的过程(例如,动机推理、过度自信和锚定启发式)。我们首先介绍一种分类法,用于理解消除偏见文献中常见的干预策略,然后重点介绍已被证明可以成功减少群体间歧视的现有方法。最后,我们提请注意尚未应用于歧视背景的有希望的去偏见干预措施。更广泛地了解先前减轻判断偏差的努力可以扩大减少歧视的努力。公共摘要研究群体间偏见的科学家通常关心减少歧视(一个社会群体与另一个社会群体的不平等待遇),但许多减少这种偏见行为的干预措施已经证据薄弱或有限。在这篇评论文章中,我们认为减少歧视的一个有效途径来自于在一个单独的领域——判断和决策——中调整干预措施,这个领域历史上研究过“去偏见”:人们可以减少不相关信息对决策的不良影响的方法。制作。虽然去偏见研究与减少群体间歧视的研究有一些共同点,但许多去偏见干预措施所依赖的方法与群体间偏见文献中采用的方法不同。 我们回顾了一些成功应用去偏见原则来减少群体间行为偏见的实例,并介绍了其他可能非常适合未来减少歧视的去偏见技术。