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Native advertising effectiveness: The role of congruence and consumer annoyance on clicks, bounces, and visits
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s11747-024-01014-z
Alexander C. LaBrecque , Clay M. Voorhees , Farnoosh Khodakarami , Paul W. Fombelle

In response to increased avoidance of traditional banner advertising, publishers have turned to a subtler form of display advertising called native advertising. Unlike traditional banner ads, native ads are intentionally designed to be cohesive with editorial content and assimilated into the design of the publisher’s website. We examine the performance of native advertising placements across three studies. In Study 1, we use a large dataset from a native advertising platform to examine the interplay of ad placement and ad content. We find that clicks are higher when ads are (1) delivered in-feed and (2) contain lower levels of selling intent, highlighting the interplay between the ad content and delivery. Study 2 confirms that in-feed placements experience higher clicks, but they also result in more bounces relative to in-ad placements. As a result, their effect on net visits is similar to in-ad placements at a higher cost. To further understand this phenomenon, we conducted a lab study (Study 3), which shows that when consumers are redirected to an advertiser’s site from an in-feed (versus in-ad) placement they experience higher annoyance and, ultimately, higher bounce intentions and reduced advertiser purchase intentions.



为了应对越来越多地避免传统横幅广告的情况,出版商转向了一种更微妙的展示广告形式,称为原生广告。与传统的横幅广告不同,原生广告经过精心设计,旨在与编辑内容紧密结合,并融入发布商网站的设计中。我们通过三项研究检查了原生广告投放的表现。在研究 1 中,我们使用来自原生广告平台的大型数据集来检查广告投放和广告内容的相互作用。我们发现,当广告(1)在 Feed 中投放并且(2)包含较低水平的销售意图时,点击次数会更高,从而突出广告内容和投放之间的相互作用。研究 2 证实,信息流展示位置的点击次数更高,但相对于广告内展示位置,它们也会导致更多的跳出。因此,它们对网络访问量的影响类似于广告内投放,但成本较高。为了进一步了解这一现象,我们进行了一项实验室研究(研究 3),该研究表明,当消费者从信息流(相对于广告内)展示位置被重定向到广告商的网站时,他们会感到更高的烦恼,并最终产生更高的跳出意向并降低了广告商的购买意愿。
